‘Tis the Season – Part 2

Last week we riffed on the phrase “Tis the season” and were reminded of its many meanings and applications to our lives. We were encouraged to renew our spiritual focus and to love each other as He loves us.

Shortly after I wrote that Shabbat encouragement I was involved in facilitating the creation of a GoFundMe page for one of my spiritual sisters. Within moments of launching this opportunity to give to another in need, the outpouring of love was clear and remarkable, so much raised in such a short number of hours, and still coming in days later, Baruch HaShem! What struck me in awe was not just that overwhelming response, but also, a chain of events in my own life that occurred right after the GFM launch that gave me an even deeper insight into His Love.

As I would complete a task related to the GFM and its follow up, I would receive amazing evidences of love in my own life that, in my spiritual eyes, could not be explained as “coincidence.” For example, I do visit my grandkids, in New York and Colorado, but at random times unrelated to each other. Often these visits are at my initiation to plan a visit. This time, however, both of my children texted me simultaneously about arranging trips for Sid and I to come visit. At exactly the same moments! And for one of these, I am always the initiator. The timing was weirdly wonderful since there is nothing I enjoy more than being Grandma!! (Well there are some other ties for first.) Icing on the cake is a request I can still not believe: to come to Denver in April to stay with the grandbaby for 10 days while my son and daughter-in-law travel to South America!!!!! My dream come true! These conversations occurred the day I was working on the GFM launch.

In the two days following:

My cousin in Florida who for months has been struggling with serious health issues pulled me into her inner world as a confidante. Sent me her medical records. Deep talks. The power of love created transparency, vulnerability, reaching out to a loved one, being loved even deeper as a result. I offered to go with her to her doctor appointments when we are in Florida next month for which she was overwhelmingly grateful. HaShem has a plan for me there.

On the evening of the GFM launch my daughter-in-law began texting with me an unusually large amount (which I love!) as we processed together hurtful relationship issues with relatives (thankfully not my son! Or me!) Ways to look at the very unloving experiences she witnessed were processed by focusing on His love and the ways He ministers through others to share its power.

My sister returned that day from Okinawa, a giant love gift as she returns to our special love relationship.

An unusual number of friends and family members called and texted me in those days following asking for help with relationship issues where the answer is to interact more lovingly. To put yourself in the other’s shoes. To acknowledge the pain caused by our hurtful words and actions. To forgive. To live lovingly.

Friends and family seeking love.

Even my pug snuggled closer.

Perhaps what I am most grateful for is that HaShem has given me the ability to see the connection. It’s as if when that GFM page went live, when we stepped aside from all that distracts us from facilitating love from one to another, the outpouring of love that He showers on us increased exponentially. As my spiritual sis said when I described the phenomenon to her, “A spiritual portal from Heaven, one of goodness, generosity, and chesed” was opened.

‘Tis the season, to love more than ever before, to remove the obstacles that keep us from sharing more of us, our time and resources, most importantly our love, with others.

‘Tis the season to love others as He loves us, evidenced beyond our comprehension by the ultimate act of giving to mankind His Son as His birth is remembered during this season. May you and those in your world be transformed by His love, rededicated to live lives of love as each candle of the Hanukkah menorah is lit.

Shabbat shalom.

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