Who needs God?

Recently I caught a part of a radio show on NPR on the topic, “Now that we have evolved so far, do we still need God?” Although I knew I would not agree with the likely premise that we don’t, the panel consisted of both sides of the discussion, so I was a bit intrigued. Of course, as I listened, the group representing the believers in God were very far afield of our Judeo-Christian beliefs, more Eastern and new agey, so I actually can’t say I could relate to much of the show.

Yet in being exposed to the dialogue, the program was a reminder of the challenges we all face, for people personally and societally. I was thinking of the many listeners who were probably very open to the dialogue and how influential such a show could be. I actually enjoy listening to NPR on my many long drives between Maine and Massachusetts. I’m not a believer in hiding from what’s in the media for by being aware of these perspectives I am better equipped to understand my fellow travelers in life. Yet I did find it disappointing that the panel representatives who were pro God were so unconventional.

In fairness to NPR, my presumption is that the choices for speakers were designed to pick pro and con God panelists who could meet the listeners where they are. It is not unlike when I speak to some Jewish people – if the person does not believe in God, I first discuss that with him or her rather than jump to discuss Yeshua. So perhaps for the typical NPR listener the more open and universal concept of God was the touch point for purposes of a discussion on evolution given that the topic itself is a hot topic vis-à-vis religion and science. This panel at least allowed such a listener to consider how God plays some part in evolution, a step forward to how we understand this relationship. The pro God panelists definitely brought God into the evolution process.

In any event, although there are various views on evolution, personally, the more scientists defend science versus God, the more I see God in science.

One of our most memorable seders was during a time when one of my relatives was struggling with belief in God, or just wanted to spark interesting conversation around the table (which he did.) He had just read a book that scientifically explained away through science all the Passover miracles – parting of the Red Sea, death of the first born and the other plagues, surviving in the desert. As he recounted the explanations, they only fortified for me even more the existence of God who created and orchestrated the very meteorological, geographical, and biological events my relative described.

As the daily tragedies and extreme natural disasters grow in number and intensity, it’s clear to me that we need God now more than ever. As we evolve, we grow in our knowledge of science and technology that can be applied destructively as well as constructively. As we gain more ability to cause harm to our world and environment, our lives can become more stressful, more fearful, increasing our feelings of powerlessness.

Perhaps during such unknown and unpredictable times, as we reach a deeper understanding of our lack of control, more will become ready to accept the truth of the existence of God and our need for Him, as He reveals Himself to us, through Yeshua, our Savior. Rather than the question being since we have evolved so far, do we still need God, it is more accurate to ask do we need Him even more?

Shabbat shalom.

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