Repairing the World

In Chasidic Jewish thinking Tikkun Olam means “repairing the world,” much in the way that a cobbler, with each stitch of his needle, brings shoes back to life. It is a spiritual activity which sets the world in its right order again.

At Ruach Israel, we think that true spirituality must be made real by repairing the world – by engaging in spiritual acts of prayer and worship, as well as Gemilut Chasidim, practical efforts to make people’s lives better. As our Messiah put it, “You are the salt of the earth,” meaning that his Jewish followers must preserve the world, much in the sameway salt preserves food.

Here are a few of the organizations that we have recently supported:

  • Hands of Mercy, serving victims of terrorism in Israel
  • The Shepherds Society, helping the suffering Christian community in Gaza
  • Organizations fighting human trafficking in Israel
  • Be’ad Chaim; projects under the Jerusalem Institute of Justice that help Israeli children, elderly, and holocaust survivors
  • Heifer International: providing animals for families in need in various communities.

In addition to larger community wide projects we encourage all our members and friends to attend tikkun olam oriented events and humanitarian and service projects in the wider Jewish and local communities. We’ve compiled a list of upcoming events here and hope that you can find some to attend!

Feeding Our Families

Since Feeding our Family began in 2006, we have provided countless meals to our mishpocha (family).

The Feeding our Family Team provides meals for families with new babies in addition to individuals who are suffering illness, loss or experiencing life transitions.

Our congregation is only as strong as our families. Please consider joining the Feeding our Family crew. You will be called on every 2-3 months to bless one of our families with a meal (homemade, store-bought, or delivered – your choice). It’s fun and it’s a mitzvah!

To be on our Feeding our Family crew, please e-mail Deb.


Next, explore Shabbat and Holy Days at Ruach Israel.