A Home Away from Home
A Loving Community…The Best Way to Live.
We live in a time of separateness and alienation.
Sure, we have our freedom, our autonomy, our precious sense of self-determination. But as many people are discovering, we have paid a high price for all this. We often feel alone because we have not developed the long-term relationships built on trust which can carry us forward during tough times and shape us into the loving, giving, joyful people God intends us to become.
The answer…
From our perspective at Congregation Ruach Israel, the best answer for us as Jews is to do what our forefathers and mothers did. They built intentional communities under the wings of the Almighty – synagogues where shared values, hopes and dreams could act as communal super-glue, functioning imperfectly, but truly, even during the times of greatest stress.
Congregation Ruach Israel is not a perfect place. We are simply people with our own fears, insecurities, etc. But, we are alive! There is a high degree of good will among leaders and members. Our services are joyful. Our board meetings, a delight. The kids are happy and their moms and dads seem to be too. Most importantly, the presence of HaShem can be felt along us. At least this is what we are told again and again by people who visit.
On the left you’ll see some of the specifics of what we do together as a community. Look us over and, particularly if you are Jewish or intermarried, come and see.