Educating the Little Ones at Ruach Israel

At Ruach Israel, we love our kids. And we have tons of them. So come and bring the little ones. Here are a few of the programs that we offer for children’s education and parent support.

Shabbat School


  • Building Foundations through the life and teachings of Messiah Yeshua
  • Imparting love for our Jewish Heritage
  • Living Faith and love for God and each other

After the traditional blessing is recited over the children as they surround the open Torah scroll, they are dismissed to join their teachers downstairs for Shabbat School. In their age-appropriate classes the little ones hear and act out biblical and Talmudic stories, sing and do crafts which reinforce the lessons, memorize scripture and learn Jewish values.

Through the three-year curriculum the children also learn about the Jewish calendar and holy days, basic Hebrew prayers, the Jewish life cycle and its accompanying celebrations, and the land of Israel. Every so often, the kids even enjoy a children’s Torah service (complete with scroll) so they can learn the Shabbat liturgy.

Hebrew School

The study of the Hebrew language is essential to preparing Jewish children for Bar/Bat Mitzvah. The Hebrew School at Ruach Israel is run conjunction with private instruction, with the objective of teaching the youth of our community to how to read Hebrew, sing and lead liturgical prayers and chant from the Torah and haftarah.

(We also have beginning Hebrew classes for adults as well. Get a cup of coffee in the kitchen and join us)

For additional information or questions specific to our Hebrew School program contact the office.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training

Following completion of the Hebrew School curriculum, children make final preparations to come to the Torah for the first time. They usually work with an adult mentor who helps them learn trope (melodies associated with the Hebrew text) and to prepare their drash (brief sermon) and “thank you” speech.

Our Function Hall is a cheerful venue where family and friends can celebrate a young person’s new status in the community…”Today, you are a man!” “Today, you are a woman!”

(Jewish adults who have never made their Bar or Bat Mitzvah may also receive training in Hebrew language and trope so they can enjoy the meaningful experience of an adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah.)

Nursery and Childcare


We at Ruach Israel value full family participation in our services. We welcome congregants to sit with their children, guiding them through the prayers of the liturgy. At the same time, we want our parents to be able to rest and enter into worship. So, we offer another option.

Beginning at 10:30 a.m., we offer childcare for ages 0 – 6, along with nursery for the tiniest tots.

Children’s programming continues after services as well. Following Oneg Shabbat (lunch and schmoozing), Hebrew School classes, Healing Prayer and Adult Learning begin. Additional childcare is provided until 2:30p.m. on Shabbat afternoons.

Learn about our Ruach Youth Group on the next page…