Host a Passover Encounter at Your Church

Re-Experience the Exodus

Have you ever wondered what it was like for Yeshua to celebrate Passover with His disciples as He was betrayed, killed, and resurrected to life?

It wasn’t until the 4th century that the Historic Church formally separated the celebration of Easter from the Biblical context of the Jewish Passover.

Would you like to host a Passover Seder Encounter at your church to help bring new life and meaning into your Easter celebrations?

Now is the time to start planning!

[Call To Action (LGL Form?) – eventual notification to Deb Hannon]

What is a Passover Seder?

The scene for God’s redemptive plan for our world is set when the Lord parts the Red Sea and Moses leads the Israelites into the promise land. Passover is a celebrated memorial to the book of Exodus and God’s faithfulness to the Jewish people.
For thousands of years, the Jewish people have come together each year around the seder table. Through taste, teaching, song and prayer, we remember and re-experience the Exodus – the history of our salvation.


“The Last Supper”

It was during this time at a small Passover Seder in Jerusalem where Yeshua (Jesus) sat with His disciples for His last meal before His impending death.
It was here that He took matzah, the bread of both our affliction and deliverance, broke it and passed it around to His disciples. “Tonight” he said, “This is my body, broken for you. Tonight I am your deliverance.”
And it was here that He took the wine, symbolizing the redemption of the Jewish people from Egypt, and infused it with renewed meaning; “This cup is the new covenant in my blood which is poured out for you.” (Luke 22:19-20)
Just as the blood of the slain lamb smeared on the doorposts of the ancient Israelite homes covered them from the death of the firstborn, so too the blood of the slain lamb, Yeshua covers us all from death and brings us into His resurrection and life.

The Passover Encounter

The Passover Encounter is an opportunity for you to come alongside the Jewish people while entering deeply into the “Lord’s Supper” and experience your own personal exodus.
The Passover Encounter will connect the dots. The night will leave you with a deeper appreciation and understanding of the Jewish people, renewed and encouraged faith as you see the powerful and historical background of our faith in Jesus, and a deeper appreciation for your own church’s Easter and Communion celebrations.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the Seder and is it family friendly?

The delightful two-and-a-half-hour seder includes teaching, worship, music and a full meal. We will involve the children many times during the seder, making it a treat even for the kids.

What does my church need to do?

Rabbi Nathan will personally work with your team to organize the preparations. He also provides detailed set-up instructions and menu options to make meal preparation simple.

In addition, there are a number of different options to make the Passover Encounter fit your community, ranging from a more elaborate banquet to a simple and shorter presentation without a meal or much set up.

How much do you charge?

We ask for a $500 honorarium. Some communities are also able to take a love offering as well. Our ministry is largely supported by outside support. That said, please let us know if that is not possible for your community and we’ll try our best to work with you.

When is the best time to do a Passover Encounter?

We usually lead seders during the Passover/Easter season. This includes weeks leading up to Easter (up to three or four weeks prior) through the few weeks following.
The most popular times are Sunday or Saturday for an evening banquet. A weekday can work as well, especially during Holy Week. Though a bit less formal, some churches choose to do a Sunday morning Passover brunch. We would use the entire Sunday morning service for the Seder which includes worship with your worship team, communion, teaching and a meal!
Contact Rabbi Nathan to make it work for you and your church!