Another year of camp

How can it be that this is the 15th session of Camp Or L’Dor? The concept of a Messianic Jewish teen camp with a challenging outdoor adventure component was just a dream to Sid until Rabbi Nathan came to Ruach those many years ago. The two of them joined forces, with a couple wives in tow, and here we are starting another year this session again in the Poconos Mountains.


I’m writing this as I wait to greet this year’s campers as they are being dropped of by their parents. I don’t know what the next 12 days will bring, but I do know that Hashem’s Hand will be in it. I know this not just because of His making it clear to me earlier today, but for the knowledge of how He has manifested Himself every year, in so many ways, over all of our years of camp.


Before lunch I took a walk alone, time after the past two days of counselor orientation and before the campers arrive, time not to be alone, but rather, to be with God. As I walked I prayed for our Abba to cover our camp, our campers, counselors, staff, and the whole area including those at our host camp. I asked for peace to envelop this area, that all would feel Yeshua’s Love of us, that He would reveal Himself. I thanked Him for always being present and to allow us to see Him, hear Him, in the ways that He can be felt palpably. I asked that all of us feel overwhelming love and kindness toward each other that surpasses all understanding. I asked for these days to be transformative for all here, including those who work here and interact with us. I asked that those precious young people entrusted to our care be brought closer to Him, be transformed in Him.


Just as I finished these words I looked up and a beautiful eagle was soaring, like ballet in flight, effortlessly gliding, right in front of my eyes. I stopped for awhile and watched, continuing to feel HaShem’s answer in these wings of the eagle, reminding me of those Scriptural passages, His Word. I thanked Him and continued to pray and feel His Presence. As I watched for quite awhile another eagle appeared, the two of them in poetic motion with each other, feeling as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in their movement. After awhile the second eagle separated and flew toward camp. Just at that moment, Monarch butterflies flew right in front of me, back and forth, those always being messengers, always that perfect timing letting me know He hears my plea, and my thankfulness.


I continued on my walk even experiencing a light rainfall, feeling as if being cleansed. As I was just enjoying the exquisite beauty of nature my thoughts again drifted to Yeshua. I looked into the woods along he road thinking I don’t actually hear Him, I don’t actually see Him. How do I know He’s here? At that precise moment, not since the other butterfly experience twenty minutes earlier another group of butterflies graced my path, flying alongside me as I returned for the final orientation meeting before the campers would arrive.


I do not know what the days will bring. I do know He is here, ministering through us, through these gorgeous grounds, through His Created world, calling each of us to Him closer than when we arrived.


If you seek Him, He will come.


Shabbat shalom.




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