Camp Or L’Dor

For those of you who have been on my list for awhile, it’s that time of year again – the 9th(!) summer of Camp Or L’Dor, the Messianic Jewish teen camp founded by my husband Sid and Rabbi Nathan in (hard to believe!) 2009. What a blessed journey it has been and I can only anticipate with awe and wonder what the next couple weeks will bring. . .

I truly believe that as each of us work for the Kingdom we rise on the radar screen of the evil one who would love to thwart our efforts. And Camp Or L’Dor is most likely high on the list of activities the evil one would love to fail. It seems each year we have those last minute challenges which threaten its success. Sometimes it has been illness of our leaders, or enrollment challenges, and the annual need for funds. We find the only way some of the teens can attend is with financial aid from our camp resources, not to mention our assisting the counselors with travel expenses as the camp experience enables them to build community among themselves, a further blessing.

This year was no exception, other than I, personally, felt the sting of the last minute challenge. We formed our own 501(c)(3) non profit organization and as such no longer could get insurance through Ruach Israel. No big deal, right? Wrong!! I worked for months to get us coverage and to net it out, we were able to obtain it literally in the 11th hour. During the 9th and 10th hours so to speak, several suggestions were made of what to do as alternate plans. But I had a strong sense we were to just hang in there, to wait, and trust HaShem. And I felt that message was from Him, for my inclination as a lawyer and as the one responsible to get the insurance was to be more pragmatic, like find a solution! That was a very scary time. And it did feel like we were under attack. But there also was such a sense that our Abba had us covered, that He would not let us down, and He didn’t!

Not only did the insurance come through as needed, but funds for the rather high premium did as well! It was as if HaShem was showing us tangibly that we were really on the right track, and that He was backing our act in ways we could see and understand. The nail biting timing was a reminder to trust Him! For had we done so, we would not have been so worried. And had the insurance come easily, we would not have been reminded to trust Him. The lesson was to work hard and do our part, and once that is done, to have faith that He will do the rest. It’s so easy to forget that important point especially when we become so focussed on our efforts and all that we have to do.

Some of our past campers are serving in the IDF, in training to be rabbis, leaders in their home congregations, hopefully all walking closer to HaShem with a deeper understanding of Yeshua’s central place in our faith. I ask for your prayers of protection as well as your prayers generally for Camp Or L’Dor, that it will once again bring light to the next generation.

Looking forward to sharing its highlights with you.

Shabbat shalom.

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