Good to be back

I have gone through different phases of expression over the years that focussed on Him through creative personal endeavors. There was a time I wrote songs in Yiddish with Messianic Jewish themes that were shared on Friday nights at Ruach. I’ve gone through spurts of Messianic Jewish song writing. These times of inspiration have come and gone. I have sometimes felt that when there was no longer a place for them, the creativity left as mysteriously as it had come.

So, too, these weekly Shabbat encouragements that I have been sharing with you over the last several years. People ask me about them and I have no explanation other than it seems they come regularly. I’m not saying they’re some divine inspiration, but I do not take credit for them. If they are insights that help others, that is a beautiful thing that I feel blessed to be able to facilitate. I have also not felt an obligation to write them if there is nothing that week that inspires a thought worth sharing. And yet, although I do not feel a weekly commitment to write, nevertheless, the messages would come, sometimes more than one each week so I could keep some in queue to be used for a future time.

You may have noticed that a couple weeks have gone by and I have not sent a Shabbat encouragement. When one of my readers asked me if I felt guilty for not writing, honestly, the answer is no. I have felt that if there is something to be said, I will write it. If not, not. I have felt these messages will end when they are to end.

At services at Ruach last Shabbat, however, a clearer answer emerged. Sid and I have been traveling and had missed services the week before so I had not had my very important day of Shabbat worship with complete focus on our Abba. And for the last several weeks, I have felt burdened, struggling with some personal issues. I know that when I lose the feeling of His joy, it’s not just about what’s going on in my life, for tsuris is part of life. It’s more about needing to re-establish intimacy with our Abba through Yeshua. As I listened to Rabbi Nathan’s profoundly inspirational message (you must check out on Ruach Israel’s website the sermon for January 28th), I could feel my spirit lifting, healing, opening. HaShem ministered to me further during oneg as one of my dear sisters in Yeshua and I shared challenges in our lives, more love from Him showering onto his children through our conversation.

The image of us as vessels being filled with Him to be used to pour His love onto others became so vivid. And I realized that the more full my vessel is of my stuff, the less room there is for Him. As the dark waters inside began to dissipate, the clarity of His mayim chayim, His living waters, could once again fill and flow.

I still make no promises of the future of these weekly encouragements. But I have a better understanding of the divine/earthly partnership our Abba has with each of us. These past couple weeks have been a reminder of the part I play in that. I will work harder to carve out those special times with Him, no matter how busy, for it is those times (prayer/meditation/conversation jogs on the beach), those divine appointments with Him, that nurture this holy relationship our Abba has with each and every one of us. I will be deliberate to find that very important quiet time. Even with travel, I must prioritize Shabbat and worship, as well as time with our brothers and sisters who know the closeness of Yeshua. They are His hands on earth.

I don’t know if there will be a Shabbat encouragement next week. But I do know that I can feel His closeness again.

When you know Yeshua, and can viscerally feel the love your Abba has for you, you live each moment in a relationship of holy love more joyful than words can express. And like any relationship, each must give to the other and carve out time to receive. There is no question the love and nurturing we receive from our Abba is infinite and perfect, and no doubt He patiently waits for our prayers and worship. It’s on our end that we must do our part to show our adoration of Him through worship, prayer, and our acts, and make time to receive His love.

May this week bring you countless opportunities to reconnect to the deepest love you can possibly know.

Shabbat shalom.

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