Just show up!


I guess we’re fully embracing the concept of our Winnebago, initially named the Pugabego since bought at the time we had three pugs, now becoming the Mitzvah Mobile. Just as it’s taken almost 15 years for our vehicle to grow into its intended name, so too, Sid and I are following the Ruach more these days. We are grateful to HaShem for the privilege to be able to so serve.


Last weekend we had the opportunity to go to Portland, Maine to participate with my ukulele group in Play Music on the Porch Day. This is the group organized by Lee, the person I described to you a few weeks ago who is fighting cancer and the founder of Ukuleles Heal the World. A real mench. Although we were quite late to the event, nevertheless we had a lovely evening playing some music for others and getting to know him better.


The next morning, Sunday, six of us led a church service with our ukuleles. For me it was an exceptionally interesting experience since it was the first time I’d even heard some of the hymns, let alone played and sang them. Yet it was such a beautiful service, for me and for those attending. I also was able to share with Lee a little about my background and about Messianic Judaism. He got so excited that we are planning some more ventures with our ukuleles perhaps to some local synagogues too!


I have really not attended many church services – a couple funerals, a few weddings, and only a couple other times for various reasons so I don’t have a lot of experience for comparisons. What struck me about this service was how similar it seemed to a typical Jewish service in its order – music at the beginning and throughout, times of prayer, calling up the children with a small participatory story and then sending them off to Sunday school, even at one point having people call out names for those needing healing. Readings were from both the “Old” and “New Testaments”. The sermon was on loving and serving others. Does all of that sound familiar? How our Abba orchestrates so many opportunities to bring us together in Him.


After saying our goodbyes, Sid and I were all packed up, actually out the door afterwards, when I felt drawn to go back in and thank the pastor for such a lovely time of worship. We went to the fellowship hall where they were having oneg, I mean a small snack and drinks. I told the pastor a little bit about our faith, only to find out his partner is Jewish! Not only that, the other person standing with the pastor was . . . Jewish! By the time we got back there most people had left so to have that many Jewish people in a church was remarkable, let alone Jewish believers in Yeshua!


Our trip to Portland last weekend was quite a stretch, not just in miles, but also physically. Sid and I had just driven up to our home an hour further than Portland on Thursday and had come back Friday night to be able to attend Ruach Saturday morning. So to travel back up again to Portland the next day probably sounds a bit nuts. Or perhaps our boondocking at the Portland Cracker Barrel to accomplish all this sounds funny, hillbilly, or exotic to some. Perhaps it’s all of the above.


Yes, we put in a little extra effort. But what we really did was just show up. When we follow the Ruach, we just go if it seems right to do. What we’re finding is that when we just show up to serve in these ways, our Abba clearly demonstrates His Presence. He, too, shows up in palpable ways we can actually see, orchestrating “chance” meetings, meaningful dialogues, facilitating service to others, beautiful music, worshipful moments, spiritually awesome lives.


When we choose to seek Him, He finds us, and we know it.


We all have so much on our plates, such busy schedules. It really does seem like we can’t do one more thing. I completely understand. Yet I challenge you this week to just show up. You don’t have to drive hundreds of miles. It can be making that phone call, cooking that meal for another, offering to drive, just checking in to say you were thinking of someone, so many ways to share His Love. Push through, don’t overthink, and go that extra mile for someone else.


Just show up. And without anticipation or expectation. You will be surprised and amazed at the unforeseen blessings that await.


Shabbat shalom.



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