
This week I had dental surgery as a result of an injury from high school. Since so much time had gone by since the original treatment, and the surgery involved my jawbone as well as gums, it was an unknown beforehand as to the complexity that would be involved. It was possible I would need a bone graft as well as tissue grafts in order to even begin the process of what would be needed to ultimately correct the situation.

Over my lifetime to date, it has been my experience medically that if something can go wrong vis-à-vis me, it will. Even the simplest medical procedures have historically gone awry. If there’s a 5% chance of a complication, that’s where mine falls. For that reason, when given the choice of whether something needs to be done, I normally decline and hope for the best. I can’t even give blood. My doctor uses a pediatric needle at my annual physicals. I had my first tetanus shot in 40 years a couple years ago since without a DPT vaccine my son would not allow me to visit my grandbaby (risk of whooping cough to the baby). That’s how extreme this issue is for me.

So as we were driving to the periodontist’s office for my very non elective surgery, I bemoaned the fact to Sid that it probably won’t go well. With my luck what can go wrong will go wrong. Then I listened to what I was saying and admonished myself for speaking such negativity into the universe. I went on and on about how when we say these negative things, our words have power and I really believe these bad things can come to be in some mystical way we don’t even understand just by uttering the words. So I decided to think good thoughts instead.

At that moment my sweet Sid said, “Let’s pray”. Well, HELLO!! His words were such a wake up call to me. I have to admit that growing up with my Eastern European grandmother living with us, my emotional go-to is often closer to throwing salt over my shoulder or wearing the evil eye to keep it away than to remember to pray. Of course I understand the power of prayer and do pray, but it’s often not my first instinct. Praying in this intimate way for an immediate need was something I learned when I became a believer in Yeshua, but now it’s been 17 years so no more excuses! Before then I would pray to God as on High, up there, for major issues and for general well being. After I came into relationship with Yeshua, it was as if He was here, involved in the daily details. I know it, but it’s just a matter of retraining my wiring, and I’m still a work in progress, as are we all. . .

As soon as he said it, and we prayed together, it was as if I was literally in a different emotional space. I wasn’t the least bit concerned that the result would be bad. Thoughts of bad luck or random universal connectedness were replaced with confidence that HaShem had it all under control. There was nothing I could do to jinx it since HaShem had my back. He was just waiting for me to invite Him in.

Although there are a few more steps along the way for the next six months or so, the procedure could not have gone more smoothly. I have the jaw bones and gum tissues of a 20 year old, by cracky! And the beautiful Christmas hymns playing during the surgery (yes, I was awake) only punctuated His presence. Thank you, HaShem!

Especially at this time of year when life can be so stressful and we are overscheduled, I encourage you to make the time to prioritize daily, even moment-to-moment prayer. The louder the noise and chaos around and within us, the more joltingly wonderful it feels to bring HaShem into the conversation. His is our voice of reason especially at these times. Your conversation with Him through prayer is guaranteed to cure what ails you, whether it be that for which you ask or that which He bestows.

As we enter these days of remembering the birth of Yeshua, may you fill them with Him through prayer, and conversation. Yeshua is the greatest gift to us our Abba could possibly have given. He is the link to the divine we can palpably feel and experience. This is the time of year to revel in the blessedness of the intimacy we have with our Creator as we now, more than ever, feel the need we have for Him. So much the more poignant, and powerful to know, and to feel Him awaiting our call.

Shabbat shalom.

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