Understanding Your True Spiritual Enemy: Ephesians (Part 10)
The Book of Ephesians concludes with a bang! This message will begin a new part of the series on a most quoted passage, “The armor of God” in Ephesians 6: 10-20. In Messiah we are called to be part of a Renewed Humanity to live out the great Jewish Hope
We are called to assume our Royal calling in Messiah. Now, when we experience trials and temptations we must learn how to resist in order to guard our renewed humanity and shared community life. That means we need to understand our true enemy. In this message Rabbi Nathan takes us through these questions, “who is Satan?” “What are demonic spiritual forces of darkness?”” and how can we stand strong against them?”
This is the tenth message in a series on the Book of Ephesians. The complete message series can be found at: https://www.ruachisrael.com/sermon-category/ephesians/
Delivered on Shabbat at Ruach Israel’s Sanctuary on March 26, 2022