Something’s missing. . .
As you know, Sid and I recently returned from Camp Or L’Dor. Since the location this year was so far away, we were gone for almost all of August. As a result, unfortunately, our home group seemed to languish. And as September is rolling in, I have some business travel coming up which will take me away on a Thursday evening or two.
As the weeks have rolled into months, it is interesting how used we can get to a rhythm that no longer has home group. And yet, home group is an amazing oasis of His presence and community with our brothers and sisters in Him that we have cherished. When we are in the rhythm of regular meetings our lives are so much more uplifted and close to Him.
Lives are busy and we can so easily settle back into a routine that puts HaShem in the corner. But remember that famous line from “Dirty Dancing” – “No one puts Baby in the corner!” So it is with our Abba.
It’s time to put Him back in front and center! Get those home groups revitalized. Make them happen even if only a handful can come. Prioritize your lives in Him. Don’t wait for others. Live like the Book of Acts – Act!
Shabbat shalom.