‘Tis the season – Part 2
Last week when we were discussing Moses we noodled about our feelings of inadequacy and even fear when seemingly called upon by our Abba to serve Him in ways outside of our comfort zones. Personally, I find myself in this situation quite often as I share the Good News with others through media and performance that grow me since these are activities that often challenge my natural inclinations.
One such time is upon me at the present. I’m preparing to be part of a video series and feeling insecure about it. So when I listened to the story of Moses I was reminded that he, too, felt these same feelings when called to serve. He, too, sought God often through prayer. If even a great leader such as Moses felt ill prepared how much more is it understandable we do when asked to serve in such smaller ways. This story from Scripture gave me comfort as have my prayers as I prepare for the challenging days ahead.
On the “heels”of those thoughts I went out for a jog (my special time with HaShem). The day happened to be my birthday and since Sid and I were on our long drive home it felt like a true gift that I could have this half hour in the morning before all the days’ plans were upon us.
First, the weather was exquisite, not too hot, just perfect. As I spoke with God and thanked Him for the beautiful weather, this special time with Him, the breeze stirred the massive trees along my path and the movement of the air felt like the Ruach, the Holy Spirit. I smiled and thanked Him again for the beautiful birthday gift as I pondered the story of Moses.
Listening to the “random” songs on my Spotify playlist under “Messianic Jewish Music” a song then came on that was in Hebrew. I really couldn’t make out the words other than “Milfanecha” and “Shetishreh”. I looked them up only to find out this is known as Moses’ blessing(!) interpreted to mean something to the effect of may it be Your will that Hashem’s presence rest on the work of your hands. (“In front of you may it rest”.)
How is this even possible?? This particular song just at that moment when I was so focused on the story of Moses? HaShem’s Presence felt so intimate, so connected with what I was doing and thinking at the time even to the very thoughts with which I had been immersed! As my heart filled with gratitude I was filled anew with adoration and awe of God.
As we hear of Moses, even though he is exalted, he is not perfect as was Yeshua. We can identify with Moses’ human struggles and learn from his ways. Recognizing our inadequacies moves us further along our spiritual journeys to the next level, our walk with Yeshua, relatable yet Divine, the One who intimately guides our every step if we open ourselves to that reality. Through Yeshua we move from understanding our weaknesses and working to overcome them to being able to lay our failings at His feet.
As all of these thoughts were swirling in my head, the beauty of the day, being in nature, the trees dancing in the breeze , the perfectly timed song, the prayers of thanksgiving, the connections to this blessed Passover season and its story, I was smiling as I continued my jog along the sidewalk. As I approached the parking lot of the park I exchanged smiles with a man getting into his truck with his dog, they just having finished their time there. As I passed by he looked at me, then stared at the heavens and said, “What a gift”.
At that moment, since that was what I had been saying to our Creator throughout my time with Him that morning, it felt as if this man was truly sent as a messenger to deliver that holy message. Yes, the morning time, every piece of it, was a gift from God. The best birthday present ever!
Aside from my being blown away by His intimacy, the greater gift as I share with you is to be reminded that His Presence is with each of you reading this message. He is right there too, with you. All you need to do to feel it is to open your heart, thank Him for being there, bathe Him in words of prayer, study His Word, prepare yourself to be able to see Him in the many ways He is there. Immerse in His Presence. He never leaves your side. He’s just waiting for you to notice Him.
This truth is just like the famous line from “Field of Dreams”, for if you build it He will come. If you seek Him He will come (in ways you will see).
Shabbat shalom.