What a light!


How often as Messianic Jews do we feel uncomfortable in our own skin? Out of place? Not welcomed by our Jewish family and relatives, our Jewish community, and yet, not Christian either. Among our non-Jewish acquaintances and other religious communities, there are those who walk alongside us embracing our shared faith in Yeshua, but sadly, others who consider us Jewish so find our very existence abhorrent.


I recently was part of a community production of a musical adaptation of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”. It was a delight to perform, especially in the scenes where I could see the facial expressions of the audience. Seeing almost 400 uplifted and smiling faces as we sang songs in praise of Yeshua was so inspiring. To observe such joy, especially in these troubled times, added to the joy in me, that feeling already inspired by the lyrics of the music. At least during the times of the performances so many could forget the stresses of the day and recent weeks, and engage in the message and music of the play.


As I sang “What Child is This” I, too, felt the awe of this season. The words, His Name, singing His praises brought me into that space as well, feeling the Holy Spirit was in that place which happened to be a large church, the venue further adding to a sense of His Presence. Were I Jewish and not Messianic Jewish, I know I would not have related to the experience in this same way. There was something different that as a Jew I was able to engage in such a Christmas event so deeply. That difference was the result of my being Messianic Jewish.


Rather than feeling awkward, caught between two worlds, confusing to our children, I invite you to embrace your identity of being Messianic Jewish. HaShem has called each of us to serve as He leads us. For those of us so led to be of this faith, perhaps we can accept with fervor, rather than trepidation, this very unique path on which He has set us.


As this experience, and so many others have shown, we are that beautiful bridge between Judaism and Christianity. We understand and walk in both worlds. As a Jewish believer in Yeshua, it is a particularly precious place from which to serve, for I have intimately experienced my Jewish brothers’ and sisters’ fears and concerns about Yeshua, yet I have come out the other side of that journey as a Jew who knows Him as our Messiah. This personal understanding provides an indestructible bridge of faith, knowledge, connection to our Jewish and Christian brothers and sisters, a way to dispel stereotypes, correct misinformation, learn from each other, a way for mutual understanding, a way for peace.


Perhaps at no other time as when I am interfacing between Jews and Christians do I better understand why we have been put on this path, one admittedly not easy to walk. As we often suffer, we are strengthened by remembering how Yeshua suffered for us. We become equipped to be strong as we have learned of and remember His sacrificial torture and death for us.


So we seek strength knowing He understands our journey, a knowledge beyond human comprehension, enabling us to rise above our own human weakness just a little more than we think possible. In doing so we become equipped to be able to build relationships, to create bridges of love and trust. We become able to overcome our own disinclinations to experience hardship and try a little harder.


As we light the candles of our Hanukkah menorahs each night, remember, “This little light of mine. I’m gonna let it shine.” Each little light grows, one to the next, amplifying as the days advance so by the end of the holiday our menorahs are aglow, a mass of flames on fire for Him. Only the shamash, the helper candle that does the lighting, is strong enough, brilliant by itself to light up all the others. Only Yeshua was the perfect servant.


So too, may we be inspired to serve. May each of our lights shine bright, as in the menorah, strengthened in community, one to the next and all together, stronger and brighter than any one by itself. So we grow, and glow, on fire by the light of Yeshua, to be bridge builders of peace, radiant in the blessing of who HaShem has made each of us to be, flames of His Glory to bring the light of Yeshua to all.


Happy Hanukkah and Shabbat shalom.




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