What’s missing?


As most of you who know me know, I love to live life fully. Sid teases me that my motto is “Why live one life when you can live two?” Actually it often feels like many more than that, and it is by choice. I am blessed to be part of so many worthy initiatives and God-centered relationships.


Somehow with such a busy life I still manage to have regular prayer and time with God whether while jogging, observing nature, when reading the siddur or listening to the written Word. Despite my busyness I’ve successfully kept on the Daily D’var schedule which I find incredibly enriching in so many ways. The times of the day I listen to the Bible readings may vary due to my schedule, and yet, I’ve remained faithful to my time with God in these ways. As a result of this initiative I have enriched my feeling of spiritual centeredness and sense of well being daily for almost a year now. Thank you Sue Nichol for your vision to bring us the Daily D’Var!


So here Sid and I are, celebrating our 20th anniversary by taking an Alaskan cruise. Relaxing, stunningly beautiful, some of the most perfect weather they have had here in months, complete with blue skies, quite unusual since these areas are actually part of a rain forest with on average almost 300 cloudy or rainy days per year.  I am writing this as I watch the approaching enormous Hubbard glacier from the ship’s bow and the view is breathtaking. So with such inspiration and seemingly more time away from work, usual activities, phone calls, texts, and meetings, how is it possible that I’m having to catch up on two days of my regular Bible readings and prayer time? How is this possible???!!!!


Perhaps when not on a vacation, although busy, I have a routine. This week I do not have a regular schedule, just interesting and fun events I choose to participate in as I go. I am realizing that these glaciers and activities, even including the stunning natural beauty of the area, are actually beautiful distractions from what at other times is my highest priority – my time with God. The feeling that something is amiss is the result of my confusing my priorities. So being busy is not the real issue. Rather, I have fallen victim to misplaced priorities, as a start . . .


Not only do I need to get my priorities back on track, but also, I am realizing that this world is chock full of beautiful distractions. Nature is inspirational – the many hikes and boat excursions to see the whales and icebergs –  fill my days with awe inspiring activities. Yet we need to consciously bring God into our thoughts and prayers in the little moments, too, as we live these beautiful days.


He is in every breath. Our part is to consciously keep reminding ourselves of that glorious fact. We need Him to keep us not only on the right path, but also, to remind us of the source of all that beauty. When we do so we become even more in awe of this blessed world He has created. We also live lives that are transformed, for even in the mundane we become reminded of His Glory.


I’m also missing my spiritual discipline. Although I’m on vacation, my spiritual time with God should not be! To the contrary, I need to be even more vigilant to preciously guard the routine I’ve worked so hard to establish, one which puts my time with our Creator front and center each day and throughout my daily routines and activities.


Routines – that’s exactly what is missing. Our ancestors were onto something with the design of structured prayer three times each day. Establishing and maintaining regular prayer times through discipline is an important part of the foundation for maintaining our relationship with Him. For without these touchpoints we may not only find daily living less vibrant despite our surroundings, but we also palpably can feel something is missing. On our side we’ve disconnected ourselves from our very intimate, active, always waiting for us, our relationship with Him.


It’s amazing how we can fill our lives with people, places, and things, even great music and dance. I remember how life felt before I knew Yeshua, while raising my children. These were wonderful years. Yet I didn’t know what I was missing for we don’t know what we don’t know. Now that Yeshua is so intimately my Guide, I can feel His absence when I’m not doing my part to nurture our relationship.


Despite the fun and wonder of these enormous glaciers, and even my wonderful loving life with Sid, I recognize that I need to choose to bring Yeshua back to the forefront of each day and throughout these days “away”.  For I know when I do, not only will I be wowed by the stunning landscapes, but also, by His Presence.


Choose Him. Choose life. Choose life in Him.


Shabbat shalom.


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