

I have often made the statement we are living in amazing times. It’s hard to think of that positively sometimes, especially in light of recent events, in particular. The Israeli war has become a catalyst to arouse worldwide anti-Semitism to a level in my opinion never seen before, not even before WW2, given the disparate groups now uniting around the world against our people as the war conflates this war and Judaism in some peoples’ minds.


That’s all I will say on that, for that is not the purpose of this writing. It is exactly the opposite.


Alongside growing anti-Semitism we are also seeing the growing understanding of shared histories, our Jewish narrative alongside that of our Christian brothers and sisters. This point was so clearly, so beautifully, lived out last Saturday evening with Ruach’s seder to celebrate the birth of Yeshua. Many of us gathered around tables topped with straw and bits of wool as we were led in this observance by Rabbi Nathan, a celebration that I hope will gain traction in our wider Messianic Jewish community.


This is an event that could never have been foreseen even 10 years ago, one in which Jewish people could so deeply engage in the story of the Nativity. For we are living in amazing times. Aslan is on the move.


Without going into the beauty of the service which immersed us in the story of Miriam and Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem and the birth of Yeshua, the connection to our Passover seder story, was so profound. As we read Scripture and then paused to engage in discussion, so many revelations, insights, questions, were shared. We all walked away with eyes opened even wider, minds more in awe, than when we had arrived.


Such is the beauty of seeking ways to intentionally grow one’s walk in faith. As we choose to accept, actually seek out, opportunities to learn more about our faith, answer our “whys”, be curious to ask the “whys”, our lives become enriched, our faith deepens.


When I came home and shared with others the experience of the evening, I was so passionate. So many revelations had just occurred filling in the missing details, or at least had engaged my brain to think about so many points of connection to strengthen my understanding. Who were the Magi really? When was Yeshua really born? When did the Magi come to Bethlehem? So that’s why the Bible says what it does about Herod’s decree! What was the manger made of? What were the practices of shepherds back then? So much rich discussion. . . So many big “Wows”! Such dialogue and questioning! So Jewish!


As some of you know, I came to faith in Yeshua by an inexplicable experience. When it happened I was a middle aged Jewish woman very connected in Jewish community. When the “Zap” happened, and I knew the truth of Yeshua as the Messiah, I said to those who couldn’t figure out what had happened to me the following:


“I don’t know why I believe this. I just know it is true, that Yeshua/Jesus is the Messiah. I have the rest of my life to figure out the why.”


So it has been, as a giant jigsaw puzzle with the Truth, belief in Yeshua as the center piece. Over these past 20 plus years, little by little, piece after piece of that puzzle is being filled in. Last Saturday a large section of the puzzle was completed!


All of us are on this journey of faith, each in his or her own place on that journey. I encourage you to put that walk at the top of the list and seek out those opportunities to fill in the blanks, a process that is catapulted forward by engaging in faith community activities. When you do so, you will only want more as more is revealed, and your life will be one of awe you could never have imagined.


Shabbat shalom.


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