A Passover for the Ages

 A Virtual Passover you don’t want to miss… . Direct Link to Youtube video of message. Delivered on Shabbat at Ruach Israel’s Sanctuary on April 27, 2024
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Torah From the Inside Out: Integrity (Sermon on the Mount 9)

     . Click here for the complete list of Sermon on the Mount Series Episodes on the web site Direct Link to Youtube video of message. Delivered on Shabbat at Ruach Israel’s Sanctuary on February 17, 2024
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Passover for Us

 The Why and How of Passover… . Direct Link to Youtube video of message. Delivered on Shabbat at Ruach Israel’s Sanctuary on April 6, 2024
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A Jewish Healing Reawakening

 A Jewish Healing Reawakening Our Besora readings today are powerful. Yeshua resurrects Ya’ir’s daughter and a woman is healed of 12 years of chronic bleeding when she touches Yeshua’s Tzitzit. In this message let’s look at the history of healing in the community of...
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Torah From the Inside Out: Divorce (Sermon on the Mount 8)

 After Yeshua looks at the heart of Torah behind murder and adultery, He turns to marriage and divorce. Let’s unpack Yeshua’s words carefully. What was Moses’ certificate of divorce all about in the Torah? What was going on in the First Century that might info...
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Why Do You Speak in Parables?

 Matthew, Mark and Luke each tell us of Yeshua’s, Parable of the Sower. Let’s bring all three versions of this parable together along with the Jewish commentaries and see how Yeshua highlights the words of the Prophets and the secrets to a Kingdom of Heaven life. ....
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Enter Through The Narrow Gate: Free Will or Determinist?

 In Parshat Bo we read about how G-d seems to harden Pharaoh’s heart. What does this mean? Let’s use Rabbinic sources, the Sermon on the Mount and brain science to unpack this important concept of free will. . Direct Link to Youtube video of message. Delivered on...
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Torah From the Inside out: Adultery (Sermon on the Mount 7)

 Yeshua’s words in Matthew 5:27-30 challenge us to recognize the Divine image in everyone, keep sacred relationships set apart and live lives of integrity in the most vulnerable and personal areas of our hearts.   . Click here for the complete list of Sermon on the...
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Torah From the Inside Out: Reconcile First (Sermon on the Mount 6)

 In our last message we discovered a secret to the Kingdom of Heaven: Torah from the inside out! Continuing with Matthew 5:23-26, Yeshua reveals Torah’s highest values and gives us some practical examples for how to live them now.   . Click here for the complete...
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Torah From the Inside Out: Murder (Sermon on the Mount 5)

 Continuing in our series on the Sermon on the Mount we look at Matthew 5:21-22, “You have heard it said, you shall not murder, and yet I say to you…” We’ll find these verses resonate deeply with First Century Jews in the Galilee as Yeshua directs us to live out the...
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Torah Filled Full (Sermon on the Mount 4)

 Continuing with our fourth message on the Sermon on the Mount Sermon on the Mount Series (Part 4): The Torah Filled Full Back on the hills of the Galilee overlooking the Sea, we join Yeshua for some of his most provocative words yet, “Do not think that I came to abolish...
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The Covenant of Salt (Sermon on the Mount 3)

 Continuing with our third message on the Sermon on the Mount we look at what “Salt of the earth” and “Light of the word” might have meant to the first century Jewish on the hills of the Galilee as they first listened to Yeshua’s words. Click here for the complete list of...
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Our Messianic Jewish Response

 One week after tragedy and war strike in Israel, our community is in pain. As a Messianic Jewish community we are inseparably linked with the destiny of our people in Israel. And yet, we are in the Diaspora, across the globe. How do we process what we are witnessing...
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Join with the Disciples for a Sukkot with Yeshua in Jerusalem!

 Using Yochanon (John) chapters 6-9 and source texts describing Sukkot in 2nd Temple times, we imagine what it might have been like to hear Yeshua say at the height of Sukkot, “I am the light of the world!” Direct Link to Youtube video of message. Delivered on Shabbat...
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The Ashrei of Messiah (Sermon on the Mount 2)

 On Rosh Hashanah Morning join Yeshua on the Mountain by the Sea of Galilee once more and continue working through Matthew 5:2-10, “The Beginner’s Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven.” What does mourning have to do with the Kingdom of Heaven? What does it really mean to be...
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A Beginner’s Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven (Sermon on the Mount 1)

 Sermon on the Mount Series 1: A Beginner’s Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven. On Erev Rosh Hashanah we being a new series from the Sermon on the Mount. At times called, “A Beginner’s Guide to the Kingdom of Heaven,” these simple words from Matthew 5:1-2 reverse the world’s...
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Let Us Enter With Strength and Joy

 Rabbi Nathan brings us along a journey through the High Holy Days to help us to better experience all that HaShem has for each one of us.   Direct Link to Youtube video of message. Delivered on Shabbat at Ruach Israel’s Sanctuary on September 9, 2023
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More Than Just Trees

 When are trees more than just trees? Direct Link to Youtube video of message. Delivered on Shabbat at Ruach Israel’s Sanctuary on July 1, 2023
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Why Passover?

 Why do we do Passover?Direct Link to Youtube video of message. Delivered on Shabbat at Ruach Israel’s Sanctuary on April 1, 2023
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The Jewish Holy Spirit

 In a timely message, that connects Judaism with current events from the Asbury University Revival, Rabbi Nathan looks at the Ruach HaKodesh (The Holy Spirit) from a very Jewish perspective. Presentation materials from Rabbi Nathan’s Panim El Panim course, call...
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A Shabbat Invitation

 Join with Rabbi Nathan and the entire Joiner Family for an Erev Shabbat experience. You are all welcome to be a part of the whole mishpocha! Direct Link to Youtube video of message. Delivered on Shabbat at Ruach Israel’s Sanctuary on February 11, 2023
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The Narrow Gate of Freedom

 In Parshat Bo we read about how God seems to harden Pharaoh’s heart. What does this mean? Let’s use Rabbinic sources, the Sermon on the Mount and brain science to unpack this important concept of free will. Direct Link to Youtube video of message. Delivered on...
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The Magic Arm of Pharaoh’s Daughter

 Join Rabbi Nathan for a study on Moses in Parashat Shemot. We’ll look at an intriguing Midrash and see how Pharaoh’s daughter is able to reach all the way into the Sermon on the Mount in the Book of Matthew. Direct Link to Youtube video of message. Delivered...
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The Secret Place

 Journey deeper into the Secret Place in the Sermon on the Mount through Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand’s moving story of suffering, persecution and perseverance for Yeshua during the Holocaust and under the Soviet Union’s regime. Direct Link to Youtube video of...
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Living Integrity: Joseph and the Sermon on the Mount

 What do the story of Joseph and the Sermon on the Mount have in common? They are both made of the same stuff. Let’s take a deep dive into what integrity actually is and how we can mature into Messiah’s life for us. Direct Link to Youtube video of message....
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G-d’s Love Language: Learning how to spend quality time with the Lord.

 Our theme this year is Etz Chaim, the Tree of Life. Just as our Tree must have roots that drink deeply of the earth’s soil so we must have roots that nourish us and connect us to the true source of life. Oil this message Rabbi Nathan discusses how to establish a...
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Ahavah Rabbah: Love like Challah Dough

 Rabbi Nathan leads a Shabbat study from the Siddur. A link to the 2nd Blessing of the Shema (AhavaRabba) Middle of page 31 in Siddur Ruach Israel: Ahavah Rabbah – אהבה רבה Learn more about the Ruach Israel Siddur (Prayer Book) at the Encountering Our Siddur web...
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Living Hospitality

 Abraham is the father of Jewish hospitality. Journey through parasha Vayera and discover some of the secrets to healthy, joy filled community.Direct Link to Youtube video of message. Delivered on Shabbat at Ruach Israel’s Sanctuary on November 12, 2022
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Growing In Jewish Prayer

 Engaging with the Siddur can be overwhelming at first. But when we understand the larger themes and contours of the Jewish prayers come alive. Join Rabbi Nathan to walk through a bird’s eye view of the prayers, their themes and how we pray them at Ruach Israel on Shabbat....
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The Daily Davar for 5783 Begins!

 Torah Study is one of the pillars of Jewish life. The Bible is critical for us Messianic Jews. Rabbi Nathan talks about a program that we are launching anew for 5783 — The Daily Davar. The Daily Davar is a Messianic Jewish reading cycle that we will use as a community to...
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