Yeshua Our Passover

 On this Shabbat preceding Pesach, Rabbi Rich explored the famous words penned by Rav Shaul – the Apostle Paul, “ Messiah our Passover has been sacrificed for us.” What did he mean by this? What is its meaning to us as Jews during this season of our freedom? What...
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Intimacy With G-d, Part 2

 How to live every day in the presence of G-d – In his drash, Rabbi Rich explains the concepts of Keva and Kavanah – two important ways to think about ways or reading the Holy One. Don’t miss it!. . By Rabbi Emeritus Rich Nichol at Ruach Israel, March 23,...
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Intimacy With G-d, Part 1

 In this week’s drash Rabbi Rich begins his three part series, “Intimacy With God.” He points out that most important, most enriching, most satisfying was to live is to seek an actual, personal relationship with God. But, how do we get there? Find out as he explores...
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Be Most Thankful for This…

 In his post-Thanksgiving drash, Rabbi Rich unpacks the profound words uttered long ago by King David and echoed on the execution stake by Yeshua. The lesson here can truly be life changing. Don’t miss it! . By Rabbi Emeritus Rich Nichol at Ruach Israel, November 25,...
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Embracing the Hero’s Journey

 We live in amazing yet nerve-wracking times. In this d’rash Rabbi Rich focuses on a great lesson from Parashat Llech L’cha – a lesson essential to navigating this moment. Don’t miss it! . By Rabbi Emeritus Rich Nichol at Ruach Israel, October 29, 2023...
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 Why Teshuvah (repentance) is so very important ” – In his drash given on the Sabbath between Rosh Ha shanah and Yom Kippur, Rabbi Rich explores the meaning and spiritual purpose of praying the prayers of repentance on the High Holy Days. He reveals the special...
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An Overlooked Treasure

 In this Part 3 of his sermon series Rabbi Rich answers this question: “Is there an often overlooked passage in the Prophets which details the Jewish journey during the period from the time of Yeshua until today?” The answer may surprise you. Don’t miss it! . By Rabbi...
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Treasures of Truth

 In this week’s sermon Rabi Rich explores the question, “Why are animal sacrifices so emphasized in the Torah?” This is a real challenge for modern Jews. Learn the powerful secrets for understanding and appreciating this ancient practice – all in light of Yeshua the...
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What’s New on this Shabbat Pesach?

 This particular Shabbat, lodged between our Seders and the day before the worldwide celebration of the resurrection of the Yeshua the Messiah, carries great symbolic weight for us. It is providential poetry…in time. Listen and find out why! By Rabbi Emeritus Rich Nichol...
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The Providence in Purim

 In preparation for the celebration of Purim, Rabbi Rich notes that not once in the Megillat Esther is God mentioned explicitly. Yet, despite this unique feature of a book of Scripture, He is present, attentive and working by his providence for the sake of the Jewish...
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 In our parashah this week we read about how a powerful angel assisted in protecting Israel as Pharaoh’s armies “closed in for the kill.” But what of these strange creatures mentioned so often in the Torah and Besorah (New Testament)? In his drash Rabbi Rich enlightens us...
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Pay Attention to That Voice

 In his drash this week, Rabbi Rich calls our attention to a seldom noticed passage in the Torah’s description of the eighth plague – the plague of hail. He explores what may be the single most far reaching difference between one person and another – the...
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The Season of Heroes

 This is the season of light – Chanukah and the celebration of the birth of the Messiah. It is also the season of heroes. In this Shabbat’s drash (sermon) Rabbi Rich will look at the lives of a Jewish hero and heroine – Judah Maccabee and Miriam the mother of...
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A Favorite Thing

 Thanksgiving is not a specifically Jewish holy day. But, it’s resonance with Sukkot has been noticed by many. In his Shabbat drash delivered just after the joyful American. holiday, Rabbi Rich explores the Amidah prayer‘s Moadim Anachnu – the prayer of thanksgiving....
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Bereshit – Does Daily Engagement Make a Difference?

 This week’s Torah portion is Bereshit – “In the Beginning.” As we start this year’s schedule of Torah readings, we begin with a prior question: Given the fact that the Bible was written so long ago and under circumstances so different than our own, is it really...
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Messianic Jews: Called To Be “Chaos Busters!”

 Why do we make it a priority to attend High Holy Services? In the week’s drash Rabbi Rich presents a surprising reason rooted in God’s purposes for our Jewish people and for the world. By Rabbi Emeritus Rich Nichol at Ruach Israel, on September 24, 2022 Direct Link to...
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The Simcha Factor – Part 4

 In this week’s drash (sermon) Rabbi Rich takes us deeper into the powerful role joy can play in the Messianic Jew’s life. His focus are the powerful reflections of two biblical luminaries   – Habbakuk and Ezra) –  and some of the final words of Messiah Yeshua...
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The Simcha Factor – Part 3

 Rabbi Rich continues his Simcha (Joy) series. He will explore the great poignant moment during the rebuilding of Jerusalem under Nehemiah when the assembled people hear these words: “Don’t cry. The joy of Adonai is your strength.” Find out how these profound words can make...
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Finding G-d in the Midbar

 In this drash, Rabbi Rich explores how Israel best heard the word of G-d in the wilderness – not in the distracting city, but at the remote Mt. Sinai. His message has great practical meaning for each of us, too, as we journey through life. Don’t miss it!   Delivered...
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The Simcha Factor – Part 2

 In his Shabbat drash, Rabbi Rich continues to explore the all-important subject of joy. Relying on the teaching of Yeshua, on insights offered by the Baal Shem Tov and a remarkable scene from the movie Prince of Egypt, he explores a key element in the “joy equation”...
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The Simcha Factor

 In his drash Rabbi Rich discusses the most critical element in all spiritual growth – JOY! Based on the teachings of Scripture and the most recent revelations of neuroscience, the Simcha (joy) Factor can make all the difference, especially as we all navigate this...
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Looking Deeply at Isaiah 53 (part 3)

 In this concluding drash on the most powerful prophetic picture of Messiah, Rabbi Rich brings together themes which point to one fabulous conclusion – the self-sacrificial love of the God of Israel.Don’t miss it! As Isaiah the Prophet noted elsewhere “In all their...
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Two Garments Which Guided History

 “Often, the rabbis of old make connections which are not obvious, but when explored, demonstrate profound spiritual insight. In this week’s sermon, Rabbi Rich will explore an example: the relationship between the karpas – the greens dipped in salt water and eaten...
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Looking Deeply at Isaiah 53 (part 2)

 In this second of a two part drash offered by Rabbi Rich on February 26th and March 19th. he first explains the larger context of the most profound messianic prophecy found in Scripture – Isaiah 53. Then, he explores the essence of its message: As Isaiah the Prophet...
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Looking Deeply at Isaiah 53 (part 1)

 In this first of a two part drash offered by Rabbi Rich on February 26th and March 19th. he first explains the larger context of the most profound messianic prophecy found in Scripture – Isaiah 53. Then, he explores the essence of its message: As Isaiah the Prophet...
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The Best New Year’s Resolution

 Rabbi Rich offers 10 observations about Messiah Yeshua uniqueness and how these can motivate us to make decisions for the next calendar year which can bring joy and blessing to us and to the important people in our lives. Don’t miss it! By Rabbi Emeritus Rich Nichol at Ruach...
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A Thanksgiving Drash

 A Thanksgiving Drash – In our Shabbat Besorah (New Testament) passage read on Shabbat Vayashev, Rabbi Rich explores how John 4:43-54 reveals the complex, personally powerful and deeply caring character of our Messiah Yeshua. “There is just no one like him,” notes our...
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Is Revival Coming?

 Rabbi Rich’s drash (sermon) concerns a subject which has proved important to both the Jewish and Christian communities throughout the centuries: “Will God again stoke the flames of tishuvah and commitment among his people?”” Rabbi Rich thinks the answer is a resounding “yes”...
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Parashat Lech L’cha – The Power of Covenant

   Dr. Seuss’ Horton the Elephant is quoted to have repeated, “I meant what I said and I said what I meant…An elephant faithful 100%.” In this sermon on the power and importance of “covenant,” Rabbi Rich builds on the giant mammal’s mantra to explain the essence of Abraham...
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Devakut – a Drash by Rabbi Rich

 Devakut by Rabbi Rich In his sermon Rabbi Rich introduces a key word for our growth -“Devakut.” The Chasidic concept of “cleaving to God” is an important strategy, rooted in Torah, which can help us stay emotionally and spiritually strong during these challenging...
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