A Jewish Healing Reawakening

Posted on 2024 Feb 24, Pastor: Rabbi Nathan
 A Jewish Healing Reawakening Our Besora readings today are powerful. Yeshua resurrects Ya’ir’s daughter and a woman is healed of 12 years of chronic bleeding when she touches Yeshua’s Tzitzit. In this message let’s look at the history of healing in the community of Yeshua over the
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Torah From the Inside Out: Divorce (Sermon on the Mount 8)

Posted on 2024 Feb 17, Pastor: Rabbi Nathan
 After Yeshua looks at the heart of Torah behind murder and adultery, He turns to marriage and divorce. Let’s unpack Yeshua’s words carefully. What was Moses’ certificate of divorce all about in the Torah? What was going on in the First Century that might inform Yeshua’s commentary?
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Why Do You Speak in Parables?

Posted on 2024 Feb 10, Pastor: Rabbi Nathan
 Matthew, Mark and Luke each tell us of Yeshua’s, Parable of the Sower. Let’s bring all three versions of this parable together along with the Jewish commentaries and see how Yeshua highlights the words of the Prophets and the secrets to a Kingdom of Heaven life. . Direct Link to
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Enter Through The Narrow Gate: Free Will or Determinist?

Posted on 2024 Jan 20, Pastor: Rabbi Nathan
 In Parshat Bo we read about how G-d seems to harden Pharaoh’s heart. What does this mean? Let’s use Rabbinic sources, the Sermon on the Mount and brain science to unpack this important concept of free will. . Direct Link to Youtube video of message. Delivered on Shabbat at Ruach
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