Last cynic standing

  In Maine we don’t have cable TV so our TV watching is very limited (fine with us!) Last evening we were trying to catch the news but due to storm interference, that wasn’t an option.  I was packing for a trip (what else is new?) so was looking for a random distraction...
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The sound of music

  A couple weeks ago I shared with you my experience at a rural church near Portland, ME. There our ukulele group “Ukuleles Heal the World” provided worship music. I remarked on the simplicity of the cross at the front of the church, it being made of two moderately sized...
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What to do?

  Each day we are presented with possibilities of what to do when. I have to say between working part-time as a lawyer, non-profit passions (especially involving Messianic Judaism and Scripture study), music endeavors, and exercise, I typically have multiple choices....
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All I can say is “Wow!”

  This week has been bursting with evidences of the breakthroughs in the healing of the Jewish/Christian schism. I say schism based on history, the millennia of anti-Semitism. Even today we cannot deny this challenge of humanity. Perhaps it is the drive to bring us together...
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What a week . . .

  These days have been long anticipated, when the crew from Our Daily Bread Ministries would be here to film for Season 2 an episode for their series “Unshakable Moxie”. Feel free to check out Season 1 on YouTube which has already been released.  I won’t share again the many...
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What’s really important

  On Easter weekend this past March, Sid and I were still in Florida. Our home there is on the east coast and our kids and grandson live on the west coast (of Florida). Although we don’t celebrate Easter, we made a plan to drive there to St. Petersburg to enjoy the fun...
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It’s all about Me

  These have been days of joy, but unusual trial as well. This week held plans of not only travel to and from MA and ME per usual, but also a trip to visit family in Denver, not to mention Sid’s birthday and our anniversary. Lots of pieces needed to fall into place.  ...
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Our spiritual journeys

  I have shared with you in the past my hesitation, anxiety, and feelings of inadequacy regarding a request to participate in a film series produced by Our Daily Bread highlighting faith stories of “Unshakable Moxie”. Last summer after much prayer and conversation I agreed...
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What if . . . ?

  Most of you know I’m a glass more than half full person and Sid often sees the glass a little more empty. We are a great combination since with his engineering background he often grounds my unicorn flying on rainbows ideas. Together we do pretty good planning most of the...
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One life

  I recently saw a movie by that title, “One Life”, starring Anthony Hopkins. It is the story of Nicky Winton, a London financial executive, who created and orchestrated by train the rescue of almost 700 Jewish children from Czechoslovakia just prior to Nazi occupation. The...
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What a Shabbaton!

  I’m writing this Shabbat encouragement on Mother’s Day as I look at the lake from my bedroom window at Pilgrim Pines. Sid and I are here this weekend for the (hopefully second annual) Ruach Shabbaton. Despite the forecast of rain the weather has been perfect, cool but...
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Remember. . .

  What a week. . . What timing for remembrance. . .   As earlier this week we paused to remember the Holocaust on Yom HaShoah, I couldn’t help but think about its perfect timing in these days of unrest centered on the very topic of anti-Semitism.  Our collective memory...
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‘Tis the season – Part 2

  Last week when we were discussing Moses we noodled about our feelings of inadequacy and even fear when seemingly called upon by our Abba to serve Him in ways outside of our comfort zones. Personally, I find myself in this situation quite often as I share the Good News with...
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‘Tis the season

  This is such a holy season. Not that every day isn’t, but this Passover in particular I have felt the lessons we are to learn even more pointedly.   Last Shabbat I listened to the beautiful harmonies of the “Song of Moses” during services, immersed in the liturgy, and...
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The Land

  As Passover approaches, how appropriate we focus on the Promised Land, given to Abraham and the destination of the journey’s end for the Israelites fleeing Egypt, this story told as part of our seders next week. This is not the time to embroil our thoughts on present day...
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These are those times – Part 2

  Last week we noodled about certain times in our history when significant steps forward occurred in religious reawakening. Two of those times we explored were the late ‘60s/early ‘70s and the 1990s. We pondered further whether we may be living now even in such miraculous...
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These are those times

  Last week at Bible study, although we were studying the Gospel of John, a cross reference led us to the Isaiah quote describing Yeshua being led as a lamb to slaughter. It being the week leading up to Easter, the passage seemed quite appropriate.   As the words were...
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A special encouragement

  It’s not Shabbat but it is a special day for the billions who observe Yeshua’s resurrection on this day. Although this blessed event is not shared on this specific day by Messianic Jews, nevertheless we come together in our belief that His Resurrection did, in fact, occur,...
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  Previously in these writings we have thought about a concept I call “both/and”. In context this expression has described situations in which our emotions, our conscience or analytical thoughts, or even our actions seem to not be congruent. The psychological term ...
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The silence of love

  Last week we discussed the nuances of judgment. The thought we noodled was that we really are judging anytime we presume we know what another person can and can’t do or what they are thinking. Even if not in the sense of rendering our opinion on their character or actions,...
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Rush to judgment? Not me!

  I have usually considered myself a fairly non judgmental person. At least that is what I try to be. Nevertheless, I learned this week some truths about myself which have given me reason to work harder on this attribute.   My IPhone needed repair so being in Florida...
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We just don’t get it

  Some of you are aware of “The Chosen”, a multi-season depiction of the life of Yeshua and His disciples. I have shared with you previously my views of its importance of bringing the Gospels literally to hundreds of millions of people, whether we agree with every aspect of...
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His Voice

  This year at Ruach we’ve been exploring the topic of finding our voice. The emphasis has been on our voice as a community. Our faith community shapes and reflects our individual voices which are working to exemplify our growing-closer-to-Him spiritual selves.   Each...
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All you need is His Love

  What a whirlwind the last couple weeks have been! Although Sid and I have been wintering in Florida, my daily routines stay the same. I still balance my work schedule with my volunteer responsibilities, while sprinkling in some additional group meetings and recreational...
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What a super Super Bowl

  As most of you know, this past Sunday was the Super Bowl. Unfortunately, I was traveling that evening so I did not see the commercials (admittedly, my favorite part). I did, however, check them out earlier this week and was pleased to see at least several that were not...
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Who do you love?

  Today while acting in a loving way to another, I noticed my heartbeat. I listened to its sound and thought how intense my emotion, and yet, how steady and slow my heart was beating. It wasn’t beating excessively fast as it does at other times, like when exercising. Yet,...
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What lies in lies

  A very disturbing report came out from UN Watch this week. In particular, Hillel Neuer’s report of UN workers taking part in the Hamas attack on October 7 in Israel was almost beyond belief. Unfortunately, it appears to be true, the report not only describing the recent...
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Oh the gleam – Part 3

  Is it really possible to share the gleam three weeks in a row? You betcha!! 😊   The original reference was to the Scriptural description of the “men” at Yeshua’s tomb as “gleaming”. Last week I shared some personal gleaming, and some of you shared yours too with me....
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Oh the gleam – Part 2

  Last week we pondered the “gleaming” of the angels at the tomb of our risen Messiah. We sometimes wonder if the gleam today is as it was back then, especially during the days of Yeshua. This morning HaShem made the answer clear. . .   Sid and I safely arrived early...
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Oh the gleam. . .

  This week’s Daily Dvar in Luke describes the two men who “gleamed like lightning” at the empty tomb from which Yeshua had risen. The “gleaming” jumped out at me as I pictured these two angels, reminding me that angels were not just “back then”. Angels are real and they...
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